Keep thinking should i go genting or not. It just keep pop-ing out in my mind.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH............. WHY is it so hard to know what the answer is?
Just read F3 blog. I think that Sylvia have a awsome bf and linting have a awsome family.
MY BF IS AWSOME TOO but in different ways. I LOVE YOU BIBI. >.- muack.
My family is just P.R.O.B.L.E.M
Nothing much happen. just school and work(only until sunday).
I really don't know how to spend my 19th brithday and bibi 21th brithday.
Should we go genting? Should we have chalet? Should we just have dinner?
I DON'T KNOW. can anyone tell me what should we do.
I just want an awsome day with my bibi. Is it so hard to have one? haix...
Question!!! Question!!! Question!!! Help!!! Help!!! Help!!!
ps: Sylvia sorry cannot celebrate your brithday with you.